Explore the captivating beauty of Tam Coc in Ninh Binh, Vietnam, often dubbed the "Halong Bay on land" or "The Terrestrial Halong," where limestone karsts, winding rivers, and vibrant rice fields combine to create a landscape reminiscent of its famous maritime counterpart, Halong Bay...
Explore two incredible destinations, Lan Ha Bay and the Trang A Scenic Landscape Complex, on a mini-circuit from Hanoi. You'll have a personal driver and the option for a guide if desired. One night will be spent on a charming boat in Lan Ha Bay, immersing you in a mesmerizing world of diverse sea rocks...
This tour departs from Hanoi and encompasses a circular route through former Tonkin, immersing you in three indispensable destinations: Pu Luong Nature Reserve, where Thai and Muong ethnic communities thrive amidst picturesque rice terraces and pristine forests; Trang An Landscape Complex, often dubbed 'Halong Bay on land' for its stunning natural scenery; and an extraordinary cruise on the iconic Halong Bay...